ACPS FY26 Budget Calendar

At the October 14th meeting of the Amelia County School Board, the FY26 budget development calendar was presented and approved. This calendar provides an outline of the actions ACPS staff will undertake in budget development, the scheduled meetings of and presentations to the School Board for budget development, and other key data points and processes along the path to the final approval of a balanced and effective ACPS budget for the 2025-2026 school year.

In addition to community feedback received through public comments to the Amelia County School board at regular meetings and public hearings on the budget, ACPS is also publishing an online survey to solicit feedback from all members of the ACPS community regarding budget priorities for the next school year. Data collected from this survey will be presented to the School Board at its January 2026 meeting.

If you have any questions about the ACPS budget, the budget survey, or other budget development processes, please contact Daniel Trump, Director of Finance and School Nutrition at or (804) 561-2621.