Pre-Kindergarten Applications
Amelia County Elementary School’s 2025-2026 Pre-Kindergarten Applications are now available and must be returned by March 27, 2025. Testing will be held April 7-11. You will receive your appointment time when you turn in your completed application. A parent/legal guardian must bring the child for testing in order to complete the application process. Applications received after this date may be subject to a wait list. All information will be kept confidential.
Pre-K Application (English)
Solicitud de prekínder en español (Spanish)
Please return all applications with required documents by March 27, 2025 to:
Amelia Elementary School
8533 North Five Forks Road
Amelia Virginia 23002
Testing appointments will be available April 7-11 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
If you have questions, please call 804-561-2433. Space is limited and subject to criteria. Everyone is encouraged to apply.
Applications are available at ACES, ACHS, ACMS, Amelia School Board Office, Social Services, & Amelia Health Department.