Mr. Richard Cumbie, C and L Machine and Welding Inc.

ACMS was excited to host February's Lunch and Learn, which focused on welding and machinery. Students had the opportunity to hear Mr. Richard Cumbie, from C and L Machine and Welding Inc., speak on job opportunities in this particular field. 

Students were invited to bring their lunch and engage in a casual question and answer session with Mr. Cumbie on Friday, February 9, 2024.  He shared the importance of understanding reading and math, being kind and well-rounded humans, and working hard for the successes that they desire. In addition, he discussed specific steps an individual would need to take in order to work in this particular field. 

Students were very receptive to the message and information shared by Mr. Cumbie. We had up to 40 students during each lunch, and many students stayed after to chat a little more on the topics of welding and machinery. 

We find that it's very valuable to have our own successful community members visit our school and share information regarding various careers. If you know of someone who would be willing to share information about their career, please reach out to Mrs. LaVecchia, ACMS school counselor.