Mission Tomorrow

On Tuesday, October 22, 2024 the Amelia County Middle School students traveled to Richmond International Raceway for Mission tomorrow, a partnership with Junior Achievement of Central, VA. This dynamic fair connects with over 100 local businesses through interactive activities and discussions.

The design of this fair allows students to learn about high-demand careers, and help students make informed decisions about their high school coursework and future career paths.

Amelia is very fortunate to have been invited to this event. We were the smallest school division to attend. We were among Charles City, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan, and Richmond's 8th grade students. Mission tomorrow serves over 12,000 8th graders across Central, VA.

Amelia works hard to bring knowledge about careers to the students of Amelia County. A huge THANK YOU to school counselor, Mindy LaVecchia for making this happen!